Newborns - 5 Year Olds
Preschool is our early childhood ministry for children from newborn through kindergarten. We see our ministry as the place where children begin to develop their relationship with God, hear His voice, and discover their gifts.
Our Mission
To help our littlest ones become passionate followers of Jesus Christ and to help parents set the foundations for a life of discipleship for their children.

Preschool is open and available during the 8:30am Service, 9:30am Bible Study & 10:45am Service at Woodland Park as well as during Wednesday Night Bible Study 5:30pm-7:00pm.
Small Groups
Babies-1s - Teacher: Jordan Harper
2’s & 3’s - Teachers: Brenda Zawodniak, Ela Nealy
4’s & 5’s (PreK-K) - Teachers: Jessica Sekulich & Robert Boothe
Children with Special Needs
We welcome all children with special needs here at Woodland Park. In order to effectively provide a safe and welcoming experience for your child, please inform our registration staff, and your child’s teacher, how we can best serve your family.